lower petals very much narrowed towards the base, the
points also crenulate. Filaments 10, united at the base,
7 bearing anthers. Style purple, thinly hairy towards the
base, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.
This fine plant is of hybrid origin, and appears to be
intermediate between P. crenaeflorum and P. macranthon,
or from sorts that are nearly related to those; it was raised
from seed at the Nursery of Messrs. Allen and Rogers, of
the King’s-road and Battersea Nurseries, and from a plant
sent us by them, our figure and description were taken: it
is one of the strong growing sorts, and is very hardy; and
when covered with its large flowers, makes a fine appearance,
thriving well in a rich light soil, or a mixture of turfy
loam and peat will suit it very well. Cuttings root freely,
planted in pots in the same sort of soil, and placed in a
sheltered situation.