P. Princeanum, foliis cordatis profunde lobatis acutis un-
lanceolatis acuminatis, umbellis plurifloris, calycibus vil-
losis, petalis omnibus obovatis, tubo nectarifero calyce
paulo longjore.
Stem frutescent, branched : branches spreading, more
or less flexuose, thickly clothed with spreading unequal
hairs. Leaves cordate, deeply lobed with several sharp
lobes, and toothed with unequal sharp horny teeth, clothed
on both sides with a short pubescence, and dotted with numerous
small dots, strongly three-nerved from the base, the
nerves branched. Petioles flattened and furrowed on the
upper side, and convex on the lower, hairy. Stipules
ovately lanceolate, tapering to a slender point, hairy, and
ciliate. Umbels several-flowered. Peduncles more or less
flattened,volucre thickly 6 clothed with spreading unequal hairs. In
of short, ovate, blunt bractes, which are fringed,
and terminate in a sharp mucrone. Pedicles double the
lleynxgth of the bractes, the upper part of a light purple. Ca
5-cleft, densely clothed with villous hairs, the segments
unequal in size, imbricate, broadly lanceolate, taper-pointreidf,
e rthoeu sp otiunbtes reflexed : the upper one ovate, erect. Necta
a little longer than the calyx, much flattened
on each side, tinged with brown, villosely hairy. Petals 5,
all broadly obovate, rounded, the margins slightly crenu-
late or uneven; upper ones very unequal sided, white, tinged
with blush, and a large dark velvet patch in the centre,
below which are numerous large dark purple lines, branching
all over the petals: lower ones rather narrower, pure
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