P. heterotrichum, undique inaequaliter piloso, foliis cor-
datis acutis undulato-subquinquelobis inasqualiter carti-
lagineo-dentatis, stipulis oblongo-lanceolatisacuminatis,
pedunculis plurifloris, tubo nectarifero calyce villoso
duplo breviore.
Pelargonium heterotrichum. Swt. hort. brit. p. 84. n. 387.
Stem shrubby, erect, branching, thickly clothed with
unequal spreading white hairs, as is every other part of the
plant except the corolla. Leaves cordate, acute, slightly
5-lobed, undulate, strongly and rigidly toothed with very
unequal cartilaginous teeth, strongly nerved underneath,
the nerves branched. Petioles stout, much flattened on
the upper side and convex on the lower, widened at the
base. Stipules oblongly lanceolate, dilated at the base,
taper-pointed, sometimes toothed, fringed. Peduncles
stout, cylindrical, several-flowered. Bractes 6 or 7, broadly
ovate or cordate, imbricate or lapping over each other,
acute, concave, slightly keeled, villous cles and fringed. Pedi
about double the length of the bractes, bent towards
the flowers. Calyx 5-cleft, segments ovately lanceolate,
acute, more or less tinged with brown, upper segment erect,
the others reflexed. Nectariferous tube very short, scarcely
half as long as the calyx, very much flattened on each side
and gibbous at the base. Petals 5, the two upper ones
obovate, oblique at the base, of a bright red, tinged with
purple and orange, with several stripes from the base, that
are more or less branched: lower ones oblong, rounded at
the points, inclining to lilac. Filaments 10, united at the
base, 7 bearing anthers. Germen villous. Style purple,
quite smooth. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.