A very curious and pretty hybrid production, that was
raised at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a seed of P. fulgidum, that had been fertilized by the pollen of Hoarea rapacea; it is as near as possible intermediate between its
two parents; but the colour of the flowers is much darker
than either; but its suffruticose stem, and the shape of the
leaves, partakes in nearly an equal degree of both: it begins
to bloom the latter end of April, or beginning of May, and
if well managed, will continue to produce a succession of
flowers until September or October; like the rest of the
tribe to which it is related, it succeeds best in a mixture of
light turfy loam, peat, and sand; the pots to be well drained,
that the water may pass off regularly; after flowering, it
will require scarcely any water, till such time as it begins
to grow afresh, when it should be shifted into another pot,
in fresh mould, at the same time some of the little tubers
may be taken from its roots, which if planted in pots, with
their tops above the surface, will soon be nice young plants;
but when first planted they will require no water, until the
wound be dried up, they may then be watered regularly,
and when they begin to grow, they may be transplanted into
separate pots, and they will produce flowers the same