P. campylosepalon, foliis cordato-reniforaribus obsolete lo-
batis argute dentatis glabriusculis, stipulis ovatis cili-
atis, pedunculis plurifloris, calycibus reflexis, petalis
omnibus obovatis, tubo nectarifero calyce longiore.
Stem frutescent, branched: branches erect, glossy,
thickly clothed with spreading villous hairs. Leaves cor-
dately reniform, broader than long, rounded, very slightly
lobed, undulate, and toothed with sharp rigid unequal teeth,
of a glossy green, but clothed Petioles with short hairs, particularly
on the nerves and veins. much flattened on the
upper side, and slightly furrowed, convex underneath, and
dilated Stipules a little at the base, thickly clothed with spreading
hairs. ovate, generally acute, fringed. Peduncles
long, cylindrical, smooth, and glossy, but thinly clothed
with lucre very unequal hairs. Umbels several-flowered. Invo
of 6 ovate, fringed bractes, some acute, and others
obtuse. Pedicles about the length of the bractes. Calyx
5-cleft, the segments lanceolate, acute, all reflexed. Petals
5, all obovate; the two upper ones very broad, unequal
sided, of a purplish red, with a large velvetty patch in the
centre, below which are numerous purple lines a little
branched, lighter on the outsides: lower petals of a reddish
lilac, rounded at the points, lined with numerous pale
veins. Filaments 10, connected at the base, ’ll bearing anthers
: pollen orange-coloured. Style dark purple, hairy
mabaosu t5 ,three parts its length, the upper part smooth. Stig
dark purple, reflexed,