OTIDIA crithmifolia.
Samphire-leaved Otidia.
O. crithmifolia, caule fruticoso carnoso, foliis carnosis
bipinnatisectis: lobis apice dilatatis incisis, pedunculis
multifloris paniculatis, petalis obtusis calyce longiori-
bus : superioribus basi crispis. PC. prodr. ]. p. 655.
Otidia crithmifolia. Suprafol. 286. vol.p. 75. Colv. catal. ed. 3. p. 9,6. col. 33.. Swt. hort.brit.
Pelasrpg.opnl.iu 3m. pcr.i t6h3m3i.f olPiuemr.s .Ssymnit.h9 .i cp. p.9ie3t. 1 .t.93. Willd. ed. 9. v. 4. Hort. Kew. 4. p. 183.
Pelargonium paniculatum. Jacq. schoenb. 2. t. 137.
Stem shrubby, erect, very large and succulent, green
and smooth ; when young slightly powdered. Leaves succulent,
crowding the upper part of the stem, smooth and
green, pinnate: the leaflets again pinnate or pinnatifid :
lobes dilated at the points, more or less toothed or incised,
flat, the margins slightly pubescent. Petioles clothed with
a very short close-pressed inconspicuous pubescence, channelled
on the upper side and rounded underneath, swollen
at the base. Stipules very small, resembling scales, ovate,
bluntish, with downy margins. Panicle terminal, very
much branched, a great deal larger and more compact than
O. lax a: branches of the panicle, bluntly angular, much
swollen at the joints, also clothed with an inconspicuous
close-pressed pubescence, tinged with purple, particularly
at the joints. Umbels from 3 to 10-flowered. Peduncles, pedicles, and calyx, also slightly pubescent. Involucre
generally of 6 bractes, which are very small, scale-like,
similar to the stipules, oblong, obtuse, concave, horizontally
spreading. Pedicles slender, about 4 times the length
of the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments
p 9