This beautiful plant is of hybrid origin, and was raised
from seed, by Mr. W. Russell, at his Nursery, at Battersea;
we are not certain from what sorts it has been produced,
as it is very distinct in habit from all others. It is of free
growth, and succeeds well in any rich light soil, or a mixture
of turfy loam, peat, and sand, will suit it very well;
and from its abundant flowering, and the brilliancy of its
flowers, it will be a very desirable plant. Cuttings of it
strike root freely, planted in pots in the same sort of soil,
and placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse.
Our drawing was made from a plant sent us from the
Nursery of Mr. Russell, in August last, who has named it
in compliment to Lady Lacon, of Ormesby-house, Norfolk.