PELARGONIUM anisodonton.
Unequal-toothed Stork's-bill.
P. anisodonton, foliis cordatis acutiusculis cucullatis inse-
qualiter cartilagineo-dentatis utrinque pilosis multiner-
viis, stipulis 1 ovatis acutis obliquis, umbellis plurifloris,
petalis omnibus obovatis, tubo nectarifero calyce multo
Achilles Geranium. Hortulanorum.
A strong erect frutescent plant; branches thickly clothed
with spreading villous hairs. Leaves cordate, rigid,
more or less acute, cucullate or hollow, rugose, numerously
and sharply toothed with very unequal horny teeth, the longest
of which are generally recurved, strongly and numerously
nerved underneath, the nerves tioles much branched. Pe
flattened and furrowed on the upper side and convex,
on the lower, clothed with long spreading hairs. Stipules
ovate, acute, unequal-sided or oblique at the base, keeled,
and fringed. Peduncles cylindrical, thickly clothed with
long spreading hairs. Involucre of 6 ovate, acute, villous
bractes. Umbels 4 to 6-flowered. Calyon 5-cleft, the segments
lanceolate, acute, villoSely hairy, the upper one
largest. Nectariferous tube much shorter than the calyx,
flattened on each side, and gibbous at the base. Petals 5,
all obovate, of a bright lilac: the two upper ones largest,
unequal-sided, with a large dark purple patch in the centre,
below which is a white mark, and numerous dark purple
lines, which branch in all directions: lower petals marked
with faint branched lines. Filaments 10, united at the
base, 7 bearing anthers: pollen orange-coloured. Style
purple, hairy at the base, and smooth upwards. Stigmas
5, dark purple, reflexed.