anthers, which are always sterile. Style clothed with
bristly hairs. Stigmas 5, reflexed or revolute, and fimbriate
on the upper side.
This fine and distinct plant is also a hybrid production,
and was raised from seed in the collection of R. H. Jen-
kinson, Esq. where our drawing was made in July last;
it is as near as possible intermediate between P. araescens
and P. aurantiacum, and requires the treatment that is
peculiar to that tribe, thriving best in a light sandy soil,
with the pots well drained, and to have very little water
given it in Winter; an equal mixture of light turfy loam,
peat, and sand, will suit it very well; and cuttings root
readily, planted in pots in the same sort of soil, and placed
on a shelf in the greenhouse.