nerved at the back. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7
mas Style bearing anthers, which were all imperfect in our specimens. 5, purple, hairy at the base, and smooth upwards. Stig
dark purple,, twisted, and revolute, fimbriate on the
upper side.
We are informed that the present very distinct and fine
plant was raised from seed in the collection of Henry Welgy,
Esq. of Hammersmith, who has also raised many other fine
sorts; it is nearer related to P. Husseyanum than to any
other with which we are acquainted; agreeing with it in the
form and direction of its petals, and partly in the form of its
leaves, and is without doubt a hybrid production, between
it and one of the red flowering sorts; we have named it in
compliment to the Hon. Lady Hesilrige, an admirer of the
present favourite tribe of plants. It is a strong growing
sort, and an abundant bloomer, and thrives well in any rich
light soil. Cuttings of it root freely, if planted in pots, and
placed in a sheltered situation.
Our drawing was taken from a plant at the Nursery of
Mrs. More, of the King’s-road, Chelsea, in June last.