PELARGONIUM chenopodiifolium.
Goose-foot-leaved Stork's-bill.
P. chenopodiifolium, caule paniculato-ramoso, foliis cor-
dato-ovatis sinuato-lobatis obtusis planis pulverulento-
pubescentibus denticulatis, stipulis cordato-ovatis acutis
ciliatis, pedunculis plurifloris paniculatis, tubo necta-
rifero calyce param longiore.
Pelargonium chenopodiifolium. Swt. hort. brit. addenda.
Stem shrubby, rather succulent, paniculately branched; branches flexuose, clothed with a short dense woolly pubescence,
and some longer hairs intermixed. Leaves flat,
cordately ovate, bluntly rounded, more or less deeply sinu-
atfely lobed, and clothed with a mealy pubescence, underneath
strongly and numerously nerved, the nerves hairy
and branched: lobes spreading, flat, wedge-shaped, and
toothed with small sharp teeth. Petioles flattened and channelled
on the upper side, and convex on the lower; thickly
clothed with short woolly hairs, and some longer ones intermixed,
as are the peduncles, bractes, pedicles, and calyx. Stipules broad, cordately ovate, cles acute, fringed. Pedun
panicled, several-flowered. Involucre of 6 lanceolate,
acute, fringed bractes. Pedicles about the length of or a
little longer than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft; upper segment
erect, ovate, acute, keeled at the back, the others lanceolate,
fringed, and reflexed. Nectariferous tube a little
longer than the calyx, much flattened on each side, and
gibbous at the base. Petals 5, of a bright orangy scarlet,
the two upper ones obovate, unequal sided, and marked
with numerous dark branched lines, underneath strongly
2-nerved : lower ones obovately ligulate, of rather a lighter
colour. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing