P. Clintoniae, caule fruticoso ramoso: ramis compactis
pilosis nitidis, foliis cordatis subquinquelobis undulatis
nitidis insequaliter argute cartilagineo-dentatis, umbel-
lis plurifloris, petalis omnibus lato-obovatis, laciniis ca-
lycinis lanceolatis acuminatis.
Stem fruticose, rather succulent, compact, forming a
snug bushy plant: branches short, thickly clothed with
leaves, glossy, but clothed with unequal hairs. Leaves cordate,
cucullate or hollow, slightly 5-lobed, very much undulate,
lower ones rounded, the upper ones acute, deeply
toothed with large sharp unequal horny teeth, of a glossy
green on both sides, slightly hairy. Petioles flattened and
furrowed on the upper side, and convex on the lower, widened
at the base, thickly clothed with spreading unequal
hairs. Stipules broadly lanceolate, taper-pointed, and fringed.
Peduncles cylindrical, hairy. Umbels several-flowered.
Involucrum of 6 or 7 short concave bractes, which are
ovate or lanceolate, scarcely acute, but terminated by a
mucrone, and fringed. Pedicles more than double the
length of the bractes. Calyon 5-cleft, the segments very
long, narrowly lanceolate, taper-pointed, spreading, but not
reflexed, hairy, and the margins fringed. Nectariferous tube about the length of or scarcely so long as the calyx,
much flattened, and clothed with short hairs. Petals 5, all
obovate, and slightly crenulate; the two upper ones very
broad and very unequal sided, of a purplish red, with a
faint velvetty patch in the centre, connected to some strong
dark purple lines, below which are several lighter purple