the base, 7 bearing anthers, which are generally imperfect. Style quite smooth, purple. Stigmas 5, purple and fimbriate,
Our drawing was taken from a plant at the Nursery of
Mrs. More, in the King’s-road, this Summer. It is of
hybrid origin, and appears to be from one of the purple
flowered sorts, mixed with one of the red ones, but it is
difficult to guess at its real origin. A plant that was sent
to us to make our description from, was entirely covered
with flowers, which continued in perfection for a length of
time. It is rather a strong growing sort, and is easily managed,
thriving well in a rich light soil, or a mixture of
turfy loam, peat, and sand, will suit it very well, giving it
but little water in Winter. Cuttings root readily, planted
in pots, and placed in a sheltered situation.