CICONIUM fulgens.
Glossy-flowered Ciconium.
C. fulgens, caule erecto subcarnoso, foliis reniformibus
breviter quinquelobis obsolete crenulatis velutino-pu-
bescentibus mollissimis, stipulis magnis cordatls acutis
subdentatis margine reflexis, umbellis multifloris, petalis
profunde venosis inferioribus sesqui-majoribus, tubo
nectarifero calyce triplo v. quadruplo longiore.
Ciconium fulgens. Swt hort. hrit. add. p. 471 n. 24.
Basilisk Geranium. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, erect, somewhat succulent, branching: branches thickly clothed with short but unequal white
hairs, the points of which are all bent downwards. Leaves
kidney shaped, half as broad again as long, shortly 5-lobed,
rounded, very shallowly crenate, of a thin texture, very
soft to the touch, being clothed with a short dense velvetty
pubescence, so short that it is scarcely perceptible, underneath
strongly 7-nerved, the nerves branching, and clothed
with villous hairs. Petioles nearly cylindrical or slightly
flattened on the upper side, thickly clothed with unequal
villous reflexed hairs. Stipules alternate with the leaves,
very broadly cordate, acute, more or less toothed, ciliate,
the margins more or less reflexed. Peduncles long, cylindrical,
thickly clothed with very unequal spreading white
hairs. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre of several bractes,
which are very unequal in size and shape, some ovate,
others lanceolate, acute, and ciliate. Pedicles very short. Calyx 5-cleft, segments reflexed, upper one ovate, the
others oblong or ligulate, scarcely acute, hairy, and fringed. Nectarif erous tube 3 or 4 times longer than the calyx,
slightly keeled on each side, a little gibbous at the base,' of
a purplish brown colour, thickly clothed with short hairs,