than half the size of the lower ones, and marked towards
the base with 2 dark purple lines. Filaments 10, erect,
united at the base, 7 only bearing anthers, the two upper
ones very short: pollen orange-coloured. Style short, purple,
hairy at the base, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, red, reflexed.
Our drawing of this plant was made this Spring from
one sent us from the Nursery of Mr. Russell, at Battersea;
it is without doubt a hybrid production, and is intermediate
between C. hybridum and one of the broader petal’d sorts;
its flowers are of a brilliant scarlet, and the plant is altogether
more free in its growth than its parent, and we know
of no one with which it is likely to be Confused. It produces
a great abundance of flowers in succession, and is therefore
a very desirable plant, thriving well in a rich light soil.
Young cuttings strike root freely, planted in pots, and
placed in a sheltered situation.