nected at the base, 7 bearing anthers, and those without
anthers as long and strong as the others : anthers all imperfect
in our specimens. Style dark purple, slightly hairy
at the base, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5 , dark purple,
spreading, the points reflexed.
Our drawing of this plant was made last Autumn,
from one in the collection of the Earl of Liverpool, at
Coombe-wood, where it was raised from seeds by Mr.
Smith; it is of hybrid origin, and appears to be intermediate
between one of the dark red sorts and P. emmium,
or some one nearly related to it; it is named in compliment
to the Countess of Harewood, an admirer of the
handsome sorts of Geraniaceae.
The present is a handsome, free-growing sort, and continues
to bloom the greater part of Summer, and till late in
Autumn, thriving well in a rich light soil, or a mixture of
light turfy loam and peat will suit it very well. Cuttings
strike root readily, planted in pots, and placed on a shelf
in the Greenhouse.