PELARGONIUM abrotanifolium.
Southernwood-leaved Stork's-bill.
P. abrotanifolium, caule suffruticoso erecto ramoso, foliis
cinereo-v,elutinis palmatim 5-sectis, lobis linearibus tri-
fidis obtusis, pedunculis 2-4-floris, bracteis minimis,
calycibus subhispidis, petalis superioribus minoribus,
tubo nectarifero sessili calyce quadruplo longiore.
Pelargonium abrotanifolium. DC. prodr.schoenb. 1. p. 6 6 1 . Jacq. syn. 2. t. 136'. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 688. Pers. 2. p. 234.
Geranium abrotanifolium. L in.f. suppl. 304. Cav. diss.
4. p. 163. t. \Z2,.f.&.
Stem suffruticose, erect, branching: branches erect,
slender, slightly pubescent, generally 2 or 3 forked. Leaves
white and hoary, slightly pubescent, divided into 5 leaflets
or segments, which are again divided into 3 to 5 linear
blunt lobes, channelled on the upper side and rounded on
the lower. Petioles slender, flat on the upper side and
rounded on the lower. Stipules 2, very small, scarcely
perceptible, joined to the base of the petioles. Peduncles
cylindrical, roughly pubescent, 2 to 4-flowered. Bractes
4 to 6, very small, lanceolate, acute. Calyx 5 cleft, lanceolate,
acute, hairy or bearded with long spreading white
htaaririfse; ruopupse rtu obnee broadest, erect, the others reflexed. Nec
sessile, very long, flattened on both sides,
pubescent, about 4 times longer than the calyx. Petals 5,
linearly spathulate, the 2 upper ones shortest and narrowest,
erect or very slightly reflexed, imbricate or lapping
over each other, white with a pale purple spot at the bend,
and some very narrow linear lines below it: lower petals
larger, and distinctly spreading. Filaments 10, slightly