P. Gurneyanum, foliis basi cuneatis 3-5-lobis grosse den-
tatis glabriusculis, stipulis ovatis acutis, pedunculis 2-3-
floris, calycibus glandulosis reflexis, petalis inferioribus
angusto-ligulatis, tubo nectarifero calyce sesquilongiore.
Stem frutescent, branched: branches smooth and glossy,
erect or a little spreading, thinly clothed with unequal
spreading hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles, calyx, and
nectariferous tube. Leaves wedge-shaped at the base, a
little undulate, of a pale green, having a sort of greasy appearance,
occasioned by innumerable minute dew-like dots,
strongly 3-nerved from the base, the nerves again triply-
nerved and branching: lower leaves slightly 5 -lobed : the
upper ones more deeply 3-lobed, all sharply and deeply
toothed with rigid horny teeth, thinly clothed with hairs on
both sides. Petioles flattened on the upper side and convex
Peduncles on the lower. Stipules ovate, acute, hairy, and fringed.In
volucre cylindrical, 2-flowered or rarely 3-flowered. of four to six lanceolate, acute, keeled and fringed
bractes. Pedicles about the length of, or a little longer than
the bractes. Calyoc 3-cleft, glandular, the segments lanceolate,
acute, tinged with purple; the upper -one broadest,
tearercifte, raonuds kteuebleed; the others reflexed at the points. Nec
flattened and keeled on each side, a little
glandular or rough, tinged with purple, about half as lono-
again as the calyx. Petals 5, the two upper ones narrowly
obovate, very unequal sided, of a bright purplish red, with
a large velvet spot in the centre, below which are numerous
dark lines branching nearly all over the petals: lower petals
narrowly ligulate, of a lighter colour, with two strong
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