at the back, with fainter ones on each side. Filaments 10,
united into a tube at the base, 7 bearing anthers, which
have always been imperfect in the specimens that we have
examined. Style pale purple, slightly hairy at the base, and
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.
The present subject is a hybrid production, and was
raised at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, in 1824, from a seed
of P. involucratum var. lilacinum, that had been set with
the pollen of P. oblatum; it came into bloom for the first
time this Spring, and has been since continually covered
with its heads of flowers ; it is nearly intermediate between
its two parents, and is one of the strong growing sorts that
will thrive in almost any soil or situation, being of a very
hardy nature ; another thing that makes it desirable, is its
coming into flower so early in Spring, when flowering plants
are most wanted, the present plant being in full bloom by
the middle of March : it thrives well in any rich light soil;
and cuttings root readily, planted in pots, and placed in a
sheltered situation.