PELARGONIUM dilatatum.
Dilated-leaved Stork's-bill.
P. dilatatum, ramis villosis, foliis cordatis basi dilatatis
sinuato-lobatis inaequaliter dentatis scabris utrinque
pilosis, stipulis oblongis acutis basi dilatatis dentatis ci-
batis, umbellis multifloris, calycibus reflexis, tubo nec-
tarifero brevissimo calyce duplo breviori.
Pelargonium dilatatum Swt. hart. hrit. addenda.
branched: bran-cjh’ es —tjh ic—kly clothed with locni g mstp-arei adsiizneg,
unequal villous hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles, and
calyx, heaves flat, cordate, very much dilated at the base
much broader than long, sinuatelylobed, unequally and often
doubly toothed, very rough on the upper side, occasioned
by numerous minute tubercles, with which the surface of the
lea.f is covered; hairy on both sides, and fringed with short
hairs, underneath strongly and numerously nerved, the nerves
much branched : lobes spreading, broad at the base, with
acute points. Petioles flattened and furrowed on the upper
side, and convex on the lower. Stipules oblong, or oblongly
ovate, broad at the base, with sharp points, more or less
sharply toothed and fringed. Peduncles cylindrical, noddvoinlgu
cbreefore the flowers expand, then becoming erect. In
of several lanceolate, acute, fringed bractes, which
are more or less toothed. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
acute, the upper one broadest, erect, the others re-
nexed, more or less of a brownish purple colour. Nectari- jerous tube very short, scarcely half the length of the calyx
gibbous at the base. Petals 5, obovate; the two upper ones
broadest, a little oblique at the base, of a bright lilac, with
a. dark spot in the centre, below which are numerous dark
ines, strongly two-nerved at the back, upper part of the
nerves branching: lower petals lilac, also strongly 2-nerved
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