PELARGONIUM flaccidum.
Flaceid-petaled Stork’s-bill.
P. flaccidum, foliis cordatis obsolete lobatis undulatis argute
dentatis utrinque hirsutis, stipulis ovato-lanceolatis
acuminatis, pedunculis quadrifloris, petalis flaccidis,
tubo nectarifero calyce duplo breviore.
Pelargonium flaccidum. Swt. hort. brit. addenda, p. 471. n, 406.
Stem shrubby, upright, much branched: branches
thickly clothed with long spreading villous hairs, as are the
petioles, peduncles, and calyx. Leaves cordate, about half
as broad again as long, scarcely lobed, the margins much
undulate, and toothed with numerous sharp rigid, rather
unequal teeth, hairy on both sides, underneath strongly
nerved, the nerves much branched. Petioles flattened
and furrowed on the upper side and convex on the lower,
widened and thickened at the base. Stipules ovately-
lanceolate, tapering to a long slender point, sometimes
toothed, concave, villous and ciliate. Peduncles cylindrical,
more or less crooked, generally 4-flowered. Involucre
of 6 ovate, acute, concave bractes, which are villous and
ciliate. Pedicles longer than the bractes, villous. Calyx
5-cleft, segments unequal in size, with membranaceous
margins, slightly reflexed, upper one broadest, and the two
side ones narrowest. Nectariferous tube short, about
half the length of the calyx, flat on each side, and thick at
the base. Petals 5, flaccid, more or less recurved at the
margins : two upper ones obovate, of a dark red, marked
with several branching dark lines, lower ones of a light
salmon colour, broadly ligulate. Filaments 10, united at