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PELARGONIUM sphserocephalon.
Round-headed StorTc s-hill.
P. sphcerocephalon, foliis cordatis sinuato-lobatis obtuse
dentatis undulatis utrinque pilosis, stipulis ovatis acutis
subdentatis ciliatis, umbellis capitatis confertis multi-
floris, involucro monophyllo: segmentis numerosis ob-
longis ciliatis, petalis cuneatis, tubo nectarifero calyce
subeequali v. paulo longiore.
Stem shrubby, much branched: branches thickly clothed
with long spreading unequal villous hairs. Leaves cordate,
oblong, very much undulate, sinuately lobed, or lower ones
nearly pinnatifid, rather shallowly toothed with bluntly
rounded teeth, very hairy on both sides, the margins fringed: lower leaves 9 or 11-lobed; lobes generally overlapping
each other, but sometimes distinct, all bluntly rounded: upper leaves 5-lobed, the lobes more distinct, and shallower.
Petioles a little flattened on the upper side, and
rounded on the lower; villosely hairy, as are the peduncles
and calyx. Stipules ovate, acute; the margins reflexed,
sometimes toothed, villous, and fringed. Peduncles stout,
cylindrical. Umbels many-flowered; from 9 to 14-flowered
in our specimens, in a close compact round head. Involucre
of one leaf, divided into numerous oblong or lanceolate,
villous, acute segments. Calyx 5-cleft, segments erect, lanceolate,
acute, concave, more or less keeled. Petals 5,
cuneate, strongly 2-nerved, the two upper ones broadest,
very unequal sided, the points slightly notched, of a bright
orangy scarlet, with a velvetty patch in the centre, below
which there are numerous dark lines, more or less branchefl;
below the dark spot, and betwixt the two nerves, is a sharp
keel on the upper side, and a pit on the under one: lower
petals narrower, of rather a lighter colour; the two nerves