connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers. Style quite
smooth, pale flesh-coloured. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.
We believe the present species had been long lost to
our gardens, untill reintroduced again by Mr. Burchell,
on his return from the Cape; and from a plant given by
him to R. H. Jenkinson, Esq. our drawing was made :
the plant figured by Jacquin only differs slightly in the
colour of its flowers; but the present must not be confused
with G. abrotanifolium of Andrews, that being either
P. hirtum or P. tenuifolium. This species belongs to
the Section A t h am a n t h o id e a , and sum is related to P. inci- and P. canescens; it is as hardy as the rest of that
tribe, and continues in bloom nearly all the Summer,
thriving well in a mixture of turfy loam, peat, and sand,
or any light rich soil; young cuttings root freely, planted
in pots, and placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse.