anthers. Style thinly clothed with long hairs, above three
parts of its length, the upper part smooth. Stigmas 5, purple,
Our drawing and description was taken from a fine plant,
brought to us from the collection of Levison Gower, Esq.,
who informs us that it is of hybrid origin, and is intermediate
between P. ignescens and P. latum, involucratum Sr macu- known by the name of Davey’s Coronation in collections,
and it is as near as possible intermediate between
the two, both in habit, and in the form and colour of the
flowers; it was raised from seed, ripened in the collection of
Mr. L. Gower, in compliment to whom we have named it ;
we have also seen some other pretty sorts, that were raised
from seeds in his collection.
The present plant appears to be of strong growth, and
will be easily managed, thriving well in a light sandy soil.
Cuttings of it will strike root freely, if planted in pots, and
placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse.