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Many-leaved Storks-bill.
P. foliosum, caule erecto ramoso; ram is congestis multi-
foliatis villosis, folds reniformi-cordatis obsolete quin-
quelobis acute dentatis utrinque pilosis, stipulis ovato-
lanceolatis acutis ciliatis, umbellis 3-5-floris, calycibus
reflexis, tubo nectarifero calyce subaequali.
Pelargonium foliosum. Swt. hart. brit. add.p. 471. n. 433.
Stem shrubby, erect, much branched : branches crowded,
and thickly clothed with leaves, villous. Leaves cor*
date or kidney shaped, more or less rounded, very slightly
5-lobed, undulate, and toothed with numerous short sharp
teeth, hairy on both sides, numerously nerved underneath,
the nerves much branched. Petioles flattened on the upper
side and rounded on the lower, thickly clothed with unequal
spreading villous hairs, as are the peduncles, bractes,
and calyx. Stipules ovately lanceolate,duncles acute, fringed. Pevolucre
cylindrical, more or less bent, 3 to 5-flowered. In
of 6 or 7 short, ovately lanceolate, taper-pointed,
keeled bractes. Pedicles longer than the bractes, bent upwards.
Calyx 5-cleft, of a dark brown colour; segments
ltaanrcifeeorloatues, atcuubtee, the upper one broadest, all reflexed. Nec
about the length of the calyx, much flattened
on each side, villous. Petals 5, the two upper ones
broadest, obovate, the inner side as if cut away towards the
base, of a bright lilac, stained with red, and a large dark
patch in the centre; from which, and the base, are numerous
lines that branch all over the petals: lower ones obo-
vately ovate, of rather a lighter colour, strongly 2-nerved
underneath, the nerves branched near the base. Filaments
10, connected at the base, 7 bearing perfect anthers: pollen