PELARGONIUM translucens.
Transparent Stork's-bill.
P. translucens, foliis cordatis septemlobis undulatis hirsu-
tis : lobis oblatis rotundato-obtusis insequaliter dentatis,
stipulis ovatis acutis subdentatis ciliatis, umbellis pluri-
floris, petalis cuneatis, tubo nectarifero calyce reflexo
parum longiore.
Pelargonium translucens. Hortulanorum.
A strong erect frutescent plant, rather succulent: the
branches thickly clothed with spreading villous hairs. Leaves large, about 4 inches long, and nearly 5 broad,
cordate at the base, generally 7-lobed, undulate, hairy on
both sides, and toothed with numerous short broad unequal
teeth, underneath strongly nerved, the nerves much branched,
upper side of a dark green, paler underneath: lobes
broad and rounded, generally overlapping. Petioles furrowed
and flattened on the upper side and convex on, the
lower, thickly clothed with spreading villous unequal hairs,
as are the peduncles, bractes, and calyx. Stipules ovate
or broadly lanceolate, taper-pointed, sometimes toothed,
broad at the base, villous,’ and fringed. Peduncles cylindrical,
5 to 7-flowered. Involucre of from 6 to 9 lanceolate,
acute bractes, joined in sets at the base. Pedicles
scarcely so long as the bractes. Calyon 5-cleft, the segments
long, lanceolate, acute, the upper one longest, erect; the
others all reflexed or revolute. Nectariferous tube a little
longer than the calyx, flattened on both sides, and gibbous
at the base. Petals 5, of a light orangy scarlet, the two upper
ones about double the size of the others, obovately
wedge-shaped, unequal-sided, stained with purple and trans