are several short purple lines and marks, strongly 2-nerved
at the back, the nerves forked, or slightly branched; lower
petals ligulate, spreading, of a lighter colour, also strongly
2-nerved at the back. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7
bearing anthers, which were all imperfect in our specimens. Style very hairy. Stigmas purple, revolute.
This pretty plant is of hybrid origin, and is intermediate
between P. graveolens and P. ignescens, the habit of the
plant, and the number and form of the flowers, being most
like the former parent; the leaves are nearly intermediate,
and the colour of the flowers is more like the latter; it is a
very neat growing little plant, and produces an abundance of
flowers; and being so distinct from most others, makes it
the more desirable; it thrives best in a light sandy soil, or a
mixture of light turfy loam, peat, and sand, will suit it very
well. Young cuttings, planted in pots in the same sort of
soil, and placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse, will soon strike
Our drawing was made from a plant sent to us from the
Nursery of Mr. Russell, at Battersea, in August last.