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PELARGONIUM verecundum.
Blushing Sfork’s- bill.
P. verecundum, foliis cordatis carnosis cartilagineo-denta-
tis ciliatis utrinque pubescentibus subtus multinerviis;
inferioribus quinquelobis basi imbricatis : superioribus
trilobis basi distinctis, stipulis ovatis acutis subdentatis
ciliatis, umbellis 5-6-floris, calycibus apice reflexis sub-
tortis, tubo nectarifero calyce villoso paulo breviore.
Stem shrubby, of strong growth, branching: branches
spreading, clothed with very unequal hairs. Leaves succulent,
cordate, sharply toothed with unequal brown horny
teeth, finely ciliate, and clothed on both sides with very
short hairs, strongly 3-nerved at the base underneath, the
nerves prominent and branching in all directions; upper
side of a dull but dark green, underneath paler; lower leaves 5 or sometimes 7-lobed, very much undulate, overlapping
at the base, lobes very broad, leaves but shallow : upper only 3-lobed, flat or scarcely undulate, open at the
base, more hairy and fringed, lobes broadly wedge-shaped,
more unequally toothed. Petioles long, slightly flattened
on the upper side and rounded on the lower, thickly
clothed with very short hairs and some long ones intermixed.
Stipules ovate, acute, sometimes toothed and
fringed with long white hairs. Peduncles long, more or
clerses bent, thickly clothed with very unequal hairs. Involu
of several ovate acute fringed bractes, which are much
ccrleoswded and imbricate. Umbels 5 or 6-flowered. Pedi
very long and slender, spreading, more or less bent,
tinged with purple, and clothed with unequal hairs. Calyx
5-cleft, of a brownish purple, villous: segments reflexed at
the points, and more or less twisted, with red margins;
upper one broadest, ovately lanceolate; the others broadly