CICONIUM crenatum.
Scolloped-leaved Ciconium.
C. crenatum, caule fruticoso subcarnoso, foliis lato-reni-
formibus undulatis obsolete lobatis grosse crenatis utrin-
que molli-pubescentibus, stipulis magnis oblongo-ova-
tis acutis undulatis marginibus reflexis, umbellis multi-
floris, bracteis numerosis variabilis, petalis cuneatis su-
perioribus duplo minoribus, tubo nectarifero brevi pe-
dicellato calyce reflexo duplo longiore.
Ciconium crenatum. Swt. hort. brit.p. 8.5. n, 18. Colv. óatal. edit., 2. p. 21. edit. 3. p. 25 . col. Z;
Geranium crenatum. Andrews's Geraniums, c. ic.
Stem shrubby, thick, and succulent ; branches rather
flexuose: and, spreading, thickly clothed with short white
hairs; which are generally bent downwards. Leaves kid-
ney-shaped, nearly twice as broad as long, slightly and unequally
lobed, more or less undulate, and crenated with
broad, shallow unequal teeth, very soft and flaccid, thickly
clothed with short woolly hairs on the upper side; underneath
smoother, but very hairy on the nerves: nerves underneath
prominent, but much branched. Petioles nearly
cylindrical, or slightly flattened on the upper side, swollen
at the base,, thickly clothed with short reflexed hairs, as are
the peduncles also. Stipules large, ovate or oblong, widest
at the base, taper-pointed, very much undulate, the margins
rolled backwards. Peduncles very long, axillary, or opposite
to a leaf, stout, cylindrical,oels swollen at the base; Um- many-flowered, the flowers crowded in a close head. Involucre of numerous unequal hairy bractes, outer ones
large and ovate, acute, concave; inner ones narrow, oblong
or lanceolate, fringed. Pedicles shorter than the bractes“ VOL. IV. lif