Anomalous Stork's-iill.
P. anomalum, caule fruticoso camoso rugoso subflexuoso,
foliis subcordatis ovatis subquinquelobis inciso-serratis
pubescentibus, stipulis membranaceis acuminatis basi
dilatatis subpersistentibus, pedunculis longissimis vil-
loso-hirsutis multifloris, calycibus reflexis, petalis ob- longo-ligulatis.
Pelargonium anomalum. Swt. hort. brit.p. 78. n. 68.
Root tuberous, branching. Stem fruticose, succulent,
clothed with a hard tough grey glossy bark, more or less
flexuose; rugged, which is occasioned by a swelled protuberance
where the leaves are fallen and by the subpersist-
ent stipules. Leaves ovate, generally a little cordate at the
base, scarcely acute, more or less deeply 5-lobed, unequally
and deeply cut and toothed, the teeth sharp and rigid, underneath
densely pubescent, the upper side more slightly
so and of a glossy light green colour. Petioles long and
rather slender, nearly cylindrical, much swollen at the base,
very thickly clothed with short pubescent hairs, and a few
longer ones intermixed. Stipules brown, at first membranaceous,
afterwards hardening and remaining persistent for
a long time, broad at the base and terminating in a long
slender point, fringed with unequal hairs. Flower-stem,
very long, not much branched, thickly clothed with a soft
pubescence and longer hairs intermixed. Peduncles very
long, much swollen at the base, cylindrical, and thickly
covered with unequal hairs and short soft down underneath. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre of numerous linear
taper-pointed fringed bractes. Pedicles slender, very unequal
in length, but much longer than the bractes. Calyx
5-cleft, segments oblong or lanceolate, hairy, all reflexed.