Mr. Synnot’s Jenkinsonia.
J. Synnoti, caule basi sufFruticoso ramoso; ramis flexu-
osis diffusis adscendentibus pilosis, foliis tripartito-
pinnatifidis subrecurvis supra subpilosis nitidis subtus
pubescentibus margine ciliatis : segmentis laciniatis obtuse
rotundato-dentatis, umbellis subquinquefloris, flo-
ribus tetrapetalis pentandris, tubo nectarifero calyce breviori.
Stem sufFruticose at the base, branched: branches
spreading, elongated, flexuose, ascending, more or less
clothed with unequal hairs. Leaves pinnatifid, ternate, or
three-parted, the points more or less recurved, margins
fringed: leaflets or segments spreading, obtuse, sinuate, and
toothed with unequal bluntly rounded teeth: terminal segments
generally tridentate: upper side of a dark glossy green,
but slightly hairy, underneath pale green,tioles pubescent. Pe
furrowed on the upper side and rounded on the lower,
clothed with short hairs. Stipules cordate, taper-pointed,
undulate and fringed. Peduncles pubescent, 4 or 5-flower-
ed. Involucre of 4 or 5 lanceolate, acute, fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, taper-pointed, pubescent.
Nectariferous tube sessile, shorter than the calyx. Petals 4, of a purplish lilac, the two upper ones more than
double the size of the lower ones, spatulately ovate, very
narrow towards the base, from whence they are marked
with 2 dark purple lines that are much branched: lower
petals spatulately ligulate, not lined. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 5 only bearing anthers: pollen pale
m 2