anthers i pollen orange-coloured. Style purple, hairy
near the base, and smooth upwards. 'Stigmas 5, purple,
revolute, and fimbriate on the upper side.
The present subject is a hybrid production, and appears
to be allied to P. cucullatum and one of the veined pe-
taled sorts. It was raised from seed by Mr. Masters, of
Stoke Newington, the present proprietor of the Nursery
that had been originally occupied by the late Mr. William
R oss: in his collection we have lately seen Several plants
of the rare Cristaria coceinea of Pursh, which we believe
exists in no other collection in this country at present..
Our drawing was taken from a plant communicated to
us by Mr. Masters, in June last; it is a strong grower and
an .abundant bloomer, and succeeds well in any rich light
soil, where its flowers will be produced in succession all the
Summer. Cuttings of it strike root freely, if planted in
pots, and placed in a sheltered situation,