CICONIUM Bentinckianum.
Bentinck Ciconium.
C. Bentinckianum, caule subcarnoso ramoso, foliis rotun-
dato-reniformibus breviter et obtusissime 5-7-lobis obsolete
crenatis utrinque mollissime velutinis, stipulis Ia-
to-cordatis acutis, umbellis multifloris, petalis superiori-
bus paulo minoribus, tubo nectarifero calyce subqua-
druplo longiore.
Ciconium Bentinckianum. Swt. kart. Irit.p. 85. n. 20.
Pelargonium Bentinckianum. DC.prodr. \.p. 664. n. 162.
Geranium crenatum, var. mollifoliata.c. ic. Andrews' geran.
Stem shrubby, succulent, branching; branches thickly
clothed with spreading unequal white hairs, which are
slightly bent downwards. Leaves roundly kidney-shaped,
shortly 5 or 7-lobed, the lobes bluntly rounded, crenulate,
the notches very shallow, thickly clothed on both sides with
short soft white hairs, which gives a glossy and velvetty appearance
when viewed towards the light, very soft to the
touch, but the leaves altogether thicker, and the hairs on
them much longer than in C.fulgens, a nearly related
plant. Petioles a little flattened on the upper side, and
rounded on the lower, very thickly clothed with spreading
white hairs, the smaller ones inclining downwards, the longer
ones spreading horizontally. Stipules broadly cordate,
acute, hairy, and fringed. Peduncles very long, cylindrical,
clothed with very unequal spreading hairs. Umbels many-
flowered. Involucre of numerous very unequal deciduous
bractes, some of them broadly cordate, others lanceolate,
acute. Pedicles about the length of the bractes. Calyx
5-cleft, segments short, lanceoo l2ate, acute, spreading. JVec