united at the base, 7 bearing anthers, which in our specimens
were imperfect. Germen villous. Style purple,
hairy at the base, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple,
This fine plant is of hybrid origin, having been raised
at the Nursery of Mr. A. Paul, at Cheshunt, Herts, from
a seed of P. Daveyanum, that had been fertilized by the
pollen of the P. generalissimum of the Gardens; it is
certainly one of the first rate sorts, being a free grower,
and an abundant flowerer, and its flowers are produced in
succession all the Summer. We have named it in compliment
to Sir A. Hume, Bart, who possesses a select collection
of rare and curious exotic plants, many of which
have flowered in no other collection.
Like the rest of the tribe to which the present plant is
related, it succeeds best in a rich light soil, or a mixture
of light turfy loam, peat, and sand, will suit it very well:
it appears to be as hardy as any of the tribe, as a plant
that was sent us by Mr. Paul, to have the drawing made
from, was placed in the garden, where it grew remarkably
well, much better than when kept in the house. Cuttings
of it strike root readily, planted in pots, and placed on a
shelf in the Greenhouse.
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