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PELARGONIUM undulseflorum.
Waved-flowered Storlcs-bill.
P. undulceflorwm, caule ramoso compacto; ramis villosis
subflexuosis, foliis cordatis obsolete quinquelobis acutis
acute dentatis rugosis utrinque pilosis,,stipulis cordato-
ovatis acutis carinatis, pedunculis 3-5-floris, petalis
undulatis venosis, superioribus basi excisis, tubo nec-
tarifero calyce multo.breviore.
Stem fruticose, much branched: branches growing in
a short compact bushy tuft, more or less flexuose, thickly
clothed with spreading white villous hairs. Leaves cordate,
acute, slightly 5-lobed, sharply toothed with numerous
short, rigid teeth, rugose, hairy on both sides, strongly and
numerously nerved underneath. Petioles flattened on the
upper side and convex on the lower, widened at the base,
thickly clothed with spreading villous hairs, as are the stipules,
peduncles, bractes, and calyx. Stipules short, cor-
dately ovate, acute. Peduncles cylindrical, more or less
bent, 3 to 5-flowered. Involucre of 6 or 7 ovately lanceolate,
acute, fringed bractes. Pedicles unequal in length,
generally longer than the bractes. Calyon 3-cleft, segments
broadly lanceolate, acute, of a brownish purple, all reflexed.
Nectariferous tube much shorter than the calyx,
much flattened on each side. Petals 5, all obovate, very
much undulate, the 2 upper ones much the broadest,- very
unequal sided, the inner side as if cut away towards the
base, of a blush colour, with a large reddish purple patch
in the centre, and numerous lines between it and the base
that are branched with short lines : lower ones of a lighter
colour, three-nerved at the back, very slender towards the
base. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing
anthers. Style all over hairy. Stigmas 5, flesh-coloured,
reflexed or revolute.