Mr. Levison Gower's Stork's-bill.
P. Goweri, foliis cordatis acutis acute-lobatis inasqualiter
argute dentatis undulatis villosis, stipulis ovato-lance-
olatis acutis ciliatis, umbellis multifloris, petalis supe-
rioribus obovatis: inferioribus oblongis, tubo nectarifero
calyce sesquilongiore.
Pelargonium Goweri. Swt. hort. brit. addenda, p.n. 471. 412.
Stem shrubby, much branched: branches spreading,
thickly clothed with spreading villous hairs, as is every
other part of the plant, except the corolla. Leaves cordate,
acutely, but not deeply 3 to 9-lobed, undulate,Petioles sharply, but
very unequally toothed, the teeth rigid. flattened,
Stipules and furrowed on the upper side, and rounded on Peduncles
the lower. ovately lanceolate, acute, fringed. nearly Involucre cylindrical, more 6 or less bent. Umbels several flowered.
dicles of ovately lanceolate acute bractes. Pe
unequal in length, some not so long, and others
double the length of the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments
lanceolate, acute, upper one broadest, erect, keeled, the
points of the others reflexed. Nectariferous tube much
flattened on each side, and gibbous at the base, about half
as long again as the calyx. Petals 5, the 2 upper ones broadly
obovate, unequal sided, of a bright pink, with a dark spot
in the centre, and several dark purple lines from the base,
which become light at the points, and branch all over the
petals; underneath strongly 2-nerved, the nerves forked, and
branching; lower petals oblong, of a lighter colour, 3-nerved
at the back. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 bearing