DIMACRIA rumicifolia.
Dock-leaved Dimacria.
D. rumicifolia, acaulis, foliis oblongo-ovatis integerrimis
acutiusculis bullato-rugosis pilosiusculis raro auricu-
latis, scapo folioso villosissimo, umbellis multifloris,
floribus tetrandis, petalis linearibus longissimis paten-
tibus superioribus basi punctatis calyce triplo longi-
Dimacria rumicifolia. Swt. hort, brit. addenda.
Root tuberous, fusiform. Leaves large, crowning the
root in a radiate form,, oblongly ovate, entire, scarcely
acute, with a few long spreading hairs on both sides, particularly
on the nerves; more or less blistered; sometimes,
but rarely auriculate. Petioles flattened and channelled on
the upper side, and convex on the lower, thickly clothed
with long villous down. Stipules very long, linear, taper-
pointed, generally attached at the base to the lower part of
the petioles, hairy, and fringed. Scape, or Flower-stem,
stout, leafy, producing many large umbels of flowers, densely
clothed, particularly near the base, with long shaggy down. Peduncles rather crowded, stout, cylindrical, thickly clothed
with long unequal hairs. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre
of numerous subulately linear, very hairy, fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments very hairy, spreading, the points a
little reflexed, upper one broadest, lanceolate; the others
narrowly linear, all taper-pointed, and bearded at the points. Petals 5, very long, linear, spreading, about 3 times the
length of the calyx, cream-coloured, the two upper ones
largest, and marked below the bend with several little red
specks, obtuse; lower ones more acute. Filaments 10,
slightly united at the base, four bearing perfect anthers, and
f 2