the unguis white, spotted on the upper part with red or
purple spots and short lines: lower petals about half the
breadth, without spots. Filaments 10, connected into a
tube, 5 bearing anthers, the 2 lower ones longest and ascending,
sterile ones curved inwards. Style flesh-coloured,
hairy below, and smooth upwards. reflexed. Stigmas 5, purple’
This pretty plant is a hybrid production, and was raised
at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a seed of H. elegans
that had been fertilized by the pollen of some other sort,
but we are not certain of what species : like the other tuberous
rooted sorts, it thrives best in an equal portion of
light turfy loam, peat, and sand, and requires no water,
after flowering, as it then becomes dormant, and remains
so all the Winter, at which time it only needs protection
from frost; as soon as it shows an inclination to grow
afresh, it should be shifted into fresh soil, and as it begins
to grow it will require to be regularly watered, and to be
placed in a light airy situation ; it will then with care be
covered with flowers all the Summer. The best method of
propagating it is from the little tubers of its roots; those
must be planted with their tops above the surface of the
mAuotuuldm nin. Spring; they will then make flowering plants bJy