HOAREA colutesefolia.
Bladder Senna-leaved Hoarea.
H. coluteeefolia, acaulis, foliis inferioribus simplicibus
ovatis tripartitis ternatisque: superioribus pinnatifidis
pinnatisque canescentibus pilosis; foliolis oblongo-
ovalibus rotundatis terminali maximis, stipulis lineari-
bus petiolo adnatis, scapo subramoso, um bellis multi-
floris, petalis superioribus refractis, inferioribus conca-
vis, tubo nectarifero calyce subduplo longiore.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves radical, very variable,
canescent, hairy on both sides, ciliate: lower ones
simple, broadly ovate, obtuse, others 2 or 3-parted or ter-
nate, the terminal leaflet very large, roundly ovate and obtuse
: side ones oval, or subrotund, or sometimes oblonc
and obtuse: upper leaves pinnatifid or pinnate; leaflets
variable, opposite, or alternate, side ones oblong or ovate,
obtusely rounded, lower ones generally 2 or 3-cleft, terminal
one very large, ovate or obovate, generally oblique. Petioles slender, a little flattened on the upper side, and
rounded on the lower, thickly clothed with white villous
hairs. Stipules linear or narrowly lanceolate, acute, attached
to the petioles. Scapes several, simple or a little
branched, thickly clothed with spreading unequal hairs. bels involucre of several Calyx linear, acute, fringed bractes. Um
many-flowered. 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
acute, their margins membranaceous and fringed, upper
toanrei flearrgoeusst, tuebreect; the others spreading or reflexed. Nec
about double the length of the calyx, flattened
on each side, thickly clothed with short canescent
r”e ffllFeSx‘ ed from ab5o’ utu nthgeu imcuidladtlee, , tbheetw 2e eunp spcearr leotn easn dc upnueraptele,
above the bend, and below it white, marked with several