PELARGONIUM magnistipulatum.
Large-stipuled StorFs-bill.
P. magnistipulatum, caule carnoso flexuoso ramoso ; ra-
mis velutino-pubescentibus, foliis sinuatis ternatisque
utrinque pilosis : laciniis rotundato-obtusis obtuse den-
tatis : foliolis lateralibus minoribus sessilibus, stipulis
foliaceis magnis petiolo adhærentibus, urabellis multi-
floris subpaniculatis, tubo nectarifero calyce revoluto
triplo longiore.
Pelargonium magnistipulatum Swt. hort. brit. addenda.
Stem shrubby at the base, very thick and succulent, a
little flexuose, branching : branches clothed with a short
velvetty pubescence. Leaves numerous, spreading horizontally
in all directions, deeply laciniate or nearly pinnati-
fid, some of the larger ones ternate, all over hairy ; lower
leaflets small and sessile, terminal one large and elongated ;
segments spreading, bluntly rounded, and toothed with large
bluntly rounded teeth. Petioles long, nearly cylindrical, and
clothed with spreading unequal hairs. Stipules very large,
leaf-like, with acute points, connected to the base of the
petioles, their margins fringed. Flower-stem stout, leafy at
the base of the peduncles, thickly clothed with spreading
unequal hairs, very much swollen at the base, and at the
bottom of the peduncles. Peduncles stout, cylindrical,
thickly clothed with spreading woolly hairs. Involucre of
6 or 7 narrowly lanceolate, or linear, acute, fringed bractes. Pedicles about the length of the bractes. Calyon 5-cleft,
segments unequal, ovate or lanceolate, acute and fringed,
upper one largest, erect, concave inwards, the others reflexed
or revolute. Nectariferous tube slender, about 3
times the length of the calyx, channelled on each side, gibbous
at the base, thickly clothed with short spreading hairs.