Obovate-leaved Stork1 s-bill.
P. obovatum, foliis late cuneatis trilobis rotundato-obtusis
planis inaequaliter dentatis utrinque pilosis: lobis sub-
lobatis rotundatis, stipulis lanceolatis basi dilatatis, um-
bellis multifloris, petalis omnibus obovatis, tubo necta-
rifero brevissimo calyce triplo breviore.
Stem frutescent, branching : branches erect, or a little
spreading, thickly clothed with unequal spreading villous
hairs. Leaves broader than long, broadly wedge-shaped,
three-lobed, irregularly toothed with numerous shortish
teeth, which are scarcely acute, hairy on both sides, the
upper side rough, underneath strongly nerved, the nerves
branched ; lobes slightly lobed, rounded. Petioles a little
flattened and furrowed on the upper side, and convex on
the lower, thickly clothed with unequal villous hairs, as are
the peduncles, pedicles, and calyx. Stipules broadly lanceolate,
acute, broad at the base, duncles villous, and fringed. Pelucre
stout, cylindrical. Umbels many-flowered. Invo
of 6 to 8 lanceolate, acute, villous bractes. Pedicles
longer than the bractes, nodding before the flowers expansion,
and erect when in bloom. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments
vtuerbye long, lanceolate, taper-pointed, erect. Nectariferous short, broadly flattened, scarcely one third the length
of the calyx. Petals 5, all broadly obovate; the two upper
ones broadest, unequal sided, of a bluish lilac, with a dark
purple patch in the centre, and numerous dark purple lines
from the base, which branch all over the petals, strongly
2-nerved at the back, with a hollow between the nerves:
lower petals of a lighter lilac, strongly veined from the base
with several bluish purple veins. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers, which are generally imper