PELARGONIUM multiflorum.
Numerous-flowered StorJc s-bill.
P. multiflorum, caule fruticoso villoso ramis numerosis
patentibus, foliis cordatis obtuse lobatis crenato-dentatis
utrinque hirsutis, stipulis ovatis acutis, umbellis multi-
floris paniculatis, petalis obovato-cuneatis, tubo necta-
rifero calyce subaequali.
Pelargonium multiflorum. Swt. Tiort. brit. p. 78. n. 86. Colv. catal. edit. 3. p. 27. col. 1.
Stem frutescent, branching, thickly clothed with unequal
hairs: branches numerous, spreading, rather slender,
very hairy. Leaves cordate, obtuse, bluntly lobed, and
notched with shallow round notches, hairy Petioles on both sides:
upper leaves small, and not so obtuse. very hairy,
a little flattened on the upper side Stipules and convex on the lower,
a bels little thickened at the base. ovate, acute. Umdun
cmleasny-flowered, numerous, in a sort of panicle. Pe
cylindrical, hairy. Involucre of 6 to 8 lanceolate,
scarcely acute bractes, which are very hairy. Pedicles
scarcely so long as the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments
spreading, obtuse, very hairy. Nectariferous tube about
tthaels l 5en, gth of the calyx, flattened on each side, hairy. Pe
obovately wedge-shaped, red, and lined with numerous
lines, the upper petals largest, and the lines on them
darkest and most numerous. Filaments 10, united at the
base, 7 bearing anthers, which in our specimens were all
sterile. Style purple, hairy at the base and smooth upwards.
Stigmas 5, dark purple, reflexed.
This is also a hybrid production, and was raised from
seed in the superb collection of R. H. Jenkinson, Esq.: we