dark red lines from the base. Filaments 10, united at the
base, 7 bearing anthers. Style purple, hairy above half way
up, the upper part smooth. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.
This handsome plant is of hybrid origin, and was raised
from seed by Mr. W. Smith, in the collection of the Earl
of Liverpool, at Coombe-wood; it is nearest related to
P . mucronatum, but is readily distinguished when compared
together; it is a free growing plant and of easy culture,
thriving well in any rich light soil, or a mixture of
light sandy loam and peat will suit it very well; young cuttings
strike root freely, planted in pots, and placed on a
shelf in the Greenhouse.
We have named it in compliment to R. H. Gurney,
Esq. of Keswick, near Norwich, who cultivates a collection
of handsome sorts of Geraniaceee.