PELARGONIUM chelidoniifolium.
Chelidonium-leaved StorTc's-bill.
P. chelidoniifolium, villosum, foliis cordatis oblongis sub-
tripartitis sinuato-lobatis undulatis grosse dentatis, sti-
pulis ovatis acutis, pedunculis plurifloris, petalis undulatis,
tubo nectarifero calyce duplo longiore.
Pelargonium chelidoniifolium. Swt. hort. brit. add.p. 471. n. 409-
Stem shrubby, with few branches, thickly clothed with
spreading villous hairs, as is every other part of the plant
except the corolla. Leaves cordate, oblong, sinuately lobed
or tripartite, more or less undulate or curled, the points reflexed
; lobes spreading, or more or less reflexed, and toothed
with very large bluntish teeth. Petioles flattened on the upper
side and convex on the lower, widened pules at the base. Sti
ovate, acute, sometimes toothed, fringed. Peduncles
cylindrical, swollen at the base, several flowered. Involucre
of 6 broadly lanceolate, acute bractes. Pedicles scarcely as
long as the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, upper segment broadest,
erect, broadly lanceolate, acute, concave inwards, and
keeled at the back, the others unequal in size, lanceolate,
raicfuetreo, umso trueb selightly keeled, and the points reflexed. Necta
about double the length of the calyx, broadly
flattened and furrowed on each side, and gibbous at the base. Petals 5, of a bright orangy scarlet, the two upper ones
oblong, very unequal sided, and marked from the base with
numerous branching lines; strongly 2-nerved at the back,
the nerves forked; lower petals ligulate, also 2-nerved at
the back with two fainter nearly obsolete nerves, one on each
side. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers.
Style pale-coloured, thinly clothed with spreading
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