PELARGONIUM tanacetifolium.
Tansy-leaved Stork's-bill.
P. tanacetifolium, caule erecto ramoso; ramis pulveru-
lento-pilosis, foliis pinnatifido-lobatis obtuse dentatis
utrinque pulverulento-pilosis; laciniis obtusis inciso-lo-
batis patentibus, stipulis cordato-ovatis acutis, umbellis
multifioris, petalis superioribus cuneatis inferioribus ligu-
latis, tubo nectarifero calyce subsequali.
Pelargonium tanacetifolium. Swt. hart. brit. add. p. 471. n. 434.
Stem shrubby, erect, branched; branches a little swollen
at the joints, thickly clothed with very short spreading
white hairs, appearing like a powdery pubescence. Leaves pinnatifid, or very deeply lobed, the number of segments
varying according to the size of the leaves, clothed
on both sides with a powdery pubescence, and short hairs;
segments spreading, blunt, more or less jagged or divided,
and toothed with bluntly rounded teeth. Petioles flattened
on the upper side, and convex on the lower; widened at the
base, thickly clothed with small Stipules spreading white hairs, as are
the peduncles and calyx. broad, but short, cor-
dately Peduncles ovate, acute, entire, the Umbels margins 5 fringed with short
volucre hairs. cylindrical. to 7-flowered. In
of 6 ovate, acute, keeled bractes. Pedicles longer
than the bractes. Calyon 5-cleft, segments spreading, lanceolate,
scarcely acute, the upper one largest, and the others
unequal in size. Nectariferous tube about the length of the
calyx, much flattened on both sides. Petals 5, the two upper
ones cuneate, very unequal sided, and much narrowed
towards the base, of a lively red, lightest at the margins, and
marked in the centre with an obscure spot, below which