DIMACRIA barbata.
Bearded-leaved Dimacria.
D. barbata, acaulis, foliis pinnatifidis glabris; segmentis
simplicibusbi-trifidisquelinearibus acuminatisapice bar-
batis, umbella composita, pedunculis calycibusque to-
mentoso-villosis, petalis linearibus obtusis binerviis,
tubo nectarifero calyce longiore.
Pelargonium barbatum. Jacq.sp. pl. 3. p. ic.rar. 3. t. 513. Willden. 648. DC.prodr. l.p. 652.
Root tuberous. Stemless, but producing several flower-
stems. Leaves more or less divided, smooth and glossy,
pinnatifid; the segments distant, linear, entire, or two or
tohlersee-cleft, taper-pointed, and bearded at the points. Peti
pubescent. Stipules narrowly linear, tapering to a long
slender point, clothed with long white hairs. Flower stems
compound, leafy, producing several umbels of flowers on
each, densely clothed with short wool, and long white hairs
intermixed. Peduncles densely tomentose, and very hairy. Umbels 4 to 6-flowered. Involucre of about 6 bractes,
which are long and narrowly linear, taper-pointed, tomentose,
and clothed with numerous long white hairs. Calyx
5-cleft, the segments linear, taper-pointed, densely clothed
or bearded with long white hairs, and short white tomentum
underneath. Nectariferous tube a little longer than the
calyx, also tomentose and hairy. Petals 5, spatulately linear,
obtuse, of a pale blush, each marked with two longitudinal
red lines, which join a little within the point, and
are slightly branched; two upper petals rather broadest,
reflexed from about the middle, and marked with a purple
patch near the base. Filaments 10, short, slightly connected
at the base, 5 only bearing anthers, the two lower ones