Chin-shields ra th e r sh o rt, posterior pair separated by irregular
shields; along the posterior sublabials a row of short shields.
The ventral keels begin on the throat.
V. 152; sc. 137. Total length 770 m.m.; tail 290 m.m.
Coloration. Light brown above with dark oblique b a rs;
head d a rk e r, a black stripe on its side passing through the
ey e ; no yellow lateral s trip e ; lower parts greyish with lighter
ventral keels; th ro a t and lips yellowish.
Distribution. This variety seems to be restricted to Sumatra
and Nias.
32. D e n d r e l a p h i s c a u d o l i n e a t u s (Gray).
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 89.
Lolowua, 1 specimen.
N ia s , 5 specimens.
Distribution. S. In d ia , Malacca, Mergui, Nias, Sipora,
S um a tra , Na tuna , Borneo, Jav a , Philippines.
33. S i m o t e s p u r p u r a s c e n s (Schleg.).
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 218.
Nias, 3 specimens.
Two adult specimens and a young o n e , all three belonging
to the form B. of the Catalogue (S. labuanensis Gthr.)
Distribution. S. China, Cochin China. Siam, Malacca, Nias,
Sipora, Suma tra, Borneo, Java.
34. S i m o t e s o c t o l i n e a t u s (Schn.).
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 224.
Western-Nias, 2 specimens.
Nias; 1 specimen.
The ground-colour of the back is b la ck , two narrow yellow
longitudinal lines on. each side and a somewhat broader pink
vertebral s trip e , beginning on the parietals. Belly p in k , uniform
or with scattered black sp o ts, or with a series of black spots
on each side of the ventrals.
Distribution. S. In d ia , Malacca) Nias, S umatra, B an k a ,
Borneo, Sulu Islands, Java.
35. O l i g o d o n t r i l i n e a t u s (D. B.). .
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 238.
Lolowua, 2 specimens.
Nias, 1 specimen.
Black above and below, a pink vertebral stripe; a very
narrow yellowish line on each side of the b ack and a broader
one between the outer row of scales and the ventrals.
Distribution. Nias, Sumatra.
36. A b l a b e s t r i c o l o r (Schleg.).'
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 281.
Lolowua, 1 specimen.
Distribution. Malacca, Nias, Sumatra, Java , Borneo.
37. P s e u d o r h a b d i u m l o n g i c e p s (Cant.).
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 329.
Gunung Sitoli, 1 specimen.
Dark brown above, iridescent; a yellow collar, a yellow
spot on the point of the parietals, an oblique one from the
eye to the corner of the mouth and a narrow yellow horizontal
line above the ey e , beginning on the praefrontal.
Distribution. Malacca, Nias, Suma tra, Borneo, Celebes,
38. C a l a m a r i a s t a h l k n e c h t i Stol.
Blgr. Cat. Snakes II p. 335.
Western-Nias, 1 specimen.
Brown above, iridescent; a yellowish collar, interrupted in
the middle. Lower parts uniform y ellowish; on the subcaudals
three indistinct brown transverse bands.
Distribution. Nias, Sumatra.
39. C e r b e r u s r h g n c h o p s (Schn.).
Blgr. Cat. Snakes III p. 16.
Nias, 17 specimens.
Pulu Nako, 1 specimen.
Distribution. In d ia , Ceylon, B u rm a , Indo-China, Malacca,