and broad. Chin-shields shorter th an in the typical D e n d r o p h i s
p i c t u s ; the hind pair is separated by some irregular shields;
along the posterior sublabials are other chin-shields, also
shorter than in the typical form. The keel of the ventral
scales begins immediately on the throat.
V. 163; sc. 141. Total length 660 m .m .; 240 m.m.
Coloration. Dark brown above; on the anterior p art of
the back dark oblique bars from the enlarged vertebral scales
to the ventrals; no yellow lateral stripe; lower parts dark
grey; throat and lower lip yellowish.
Specimen b. Djambi, Sumatra. Moolenburgh leg.
Upper labials 8 at both sides, fourth and fifth bordering
the eye. Frontal in contact with the praeocular. Snout short
and broad. Chin-shields ra th e r short, posterior p air separated
by irregular shields; along the posterior sublabials short shields.
The keel of the ventral scales begins on the throat.
Y. 156; sc. 125. Total length 435 m.m,; tail 155 m.m.
Coloration. Light brown above with dark brown oblique
bars; head d a rk e r, a black stripe on the side of the head,
passing through the eye; no yellow lateral stripe; lower parts
greyish, the ventral keels lighter; throat and lips yellowish.
Specimen c. Soengei Poetih, Serdang, Sumatra, v] Dedem leg.
Upper labials 9 on both sides; on the left side the fo u rth ,
fifth and sixth entering the eye, on the right side the fifth
a n d sixth. Frontal in contact with the praeocular. Snout short
an d very broad. Chin-shields sh o rt, posterior p air separated
by irregular shields; along the posterior sublabials a row of
sh o rt shields. The ventral keels begin on the throat.
V. 159; sc. 142. Total length 710 m.m.; tail 270 m.m.
Coloration. Brown above with dark oblique bars on the
anterior part of the body; head b rown, a black stripe on its
side, passing through the eye; no yellow lateral stripe; lower
parts sand-colour with brown ventral keels, the anterior part
lighter; throat and lips yellowish.
Specimen d. Deli, Sumatra. Dr. de Bussy leg.
Upper labials 8, fourth and fifth entering the eye. Frontal
in contact with the praeocular. Snout short and very broad.