A B C D, Fig. 4, reprefents the body of the microfcope, confiding
of two brafs tubes. E F is the top o f the inner moveable
tube ; the end e f o f the Angle tooth and pinion microfcope, Fig._
5, ferews. into the top-of this inner tube; at the end A B of the-
external tube there is a lens, to receive the light of the fun from-,
the mirror K L, and to colleft and condenfe it on the objeft ; the*
end A B ferews into- the circular plate G H I..
K L,. a long frame- fixed to the moveable circular plate; im
this frame there is a plane mirror to reflect the rays o f the-
Can on .die lens at AB',.
Anendlefs worm or fcrew, which is cut on the lower part o f
the nut M, works in a fmall wheel which is fixed to the frame;
K L, fa that, by turning the nut, the frame K L is moved up or
down : the nut N moves the mirror to the right or left..
0 , P, two ferews to fallen the fquare plate to the.window-
Fig. 5, the Angle microfcope; e f th e end which ferews on to
the upper, part E of the internal tube of the body ; q the dovetailed
flit for receiving the Aider, Fig, 8,
g, the hole in which the megalafcope magnifier,. Fig. 6,, is to
be ferewed, when the Aider,. Fig. 8, is removed.
A t h are the moveable plates, between which the Aiders are
placed; under, the lowermoft o f thefe the lens reprefented at Fig,
■7 &
7 is to be placed, when the magnifiers,. No. l, 2,3, and 4,. are to
be ufed.
e k is a. fmall piece o f rack Work, which is moved backwards
and forwards by the pinion that is fixed to the lower end of the
milled nut b : by the gradual motion o f this rack, the-abjetts are
adjufted to the foci of the different lenfes.
Fig; 8 is a brafs Aider, with four or fix. lenfes or. magnifying
glaffes; it is to be inferted into the hole at q; either of the magnifiers
maybe placed before th eM by Aiding it one way or
the other; you may perceive when the glafs is m the center o
the eye hole by a fmall fpring. falling into a notch which is made
©n; the fide o f the Aider oppofite to each lens..
To, use the Solar M icroscope.
Fallen the fquare plate- againft the infide of a window-fhutter,
by the two ferews O.P, which, are to. go from the outfide of the
window-lhutter through it, and then be fcreWed into. their
refpeflive holes in the fquare plates G H I , The mirror is to-be
on the outfid'e of the; fhutter, paffing through a hole made for
that purpofa.
Darken the room; then place a fereen at a convenient diAance
from the window, the farther it is from it the larger is the image:
now move the mirror K L by the two nuts M, N till the funs
rays come through the inftrument. in an horizontal direChon to
the fereen, forming a-round fpot thereon; fcrew the microfcope,
Fig. <5, into, it’s place EF; put the Aider, with the lens, Fig. 8,
5 J in