594 M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s says.
the bag, without even touching the Tides, the tail relling on the
bale thereof. It was found in fait water.
246. Trichoda Innata. Fig. 1 1, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda vaginata, folliculo cylindrico, pedicello extra folli-
culum. Sheathed trichoda, with a cylindrical bag, thé pedicle
paffing through and projecting beyond the bag. Thefe chara&ers
diltinguilh it fufficiently from the preceding one. - b the animal-
culum in the Iheath, d the tail.
247. Trichoda Transfuga.
Trichoda latiufcula, antice crinita, pollice fetofa, altero latere
finuata, altero mucronata. Broad trichoda, the fore-part hairy,
the hinder-part full o f briflrles, one fide finuated, the other pointed.
See Zool. Dan. prod, addend, p. 281.
248. Trichoda Ciliata..
Trichoda ventricofa, pollice crinibus peainata. See Zooh
Dan. Icon. tab. 73, Fig. 13, 15.
249. Trichoda Bulla«
Trichoda membranacea, Iateribus inflexis, amice & pollice
crinita. Membranaceous trichoda, the Tides bent inwards, the
fore and hind-part are both furnilhed with hairs; it differs onLy
by the lalt circumftance from the burfaria bulla.
M i c s o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s .
250. Trichoda Pellionella.
Trichoda cylindracea, antice crinita, pollice fetofa. Cylindrical,
the fore-part hairy, the hinder-part furnilhed with brillles.
This trichoda is rather thick in the middle, pellucid, with a
few molecules here and there, the Tides obtufe, the fore-part
ciliated, the hairs very fine, the hind-part terminating in a kind
'of brillles..
251. Trichoda Cyllidium. Fig. 15, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda ovata, apice hiante, bafique crinita. Egg-lhaped,
the apex gaping, the bafe hairy.
Pellucid, replete with globules o f different fixes, in the hind-
extremity ; the fore-part narrower, without any footfteps o f an
external organ. It vacillates upon the edge, commonly advancing
on it’s flat fide, continually drawing up water; it then
gapes, opens into a very acute angle, almofl to the middle of the
body. It is difficult to be perceived, as it effefls this in an
inltant. a the mouth,. b the hairs or brillles, which it extends
when in agonies.
252. Trichoda Curfor.
Trichoda ovata, antice crinita, pollice duplici pilorum llri£lo-
rum & curvorum fafciculo. Oval trichoda, the fore-part hairy,
4 C 2 the